You can’t win either way so quit trying to live your life through someone else’s expectations and do what’s right for you!!
Want to have sex? Cool, Do it!
Don’t, cool don’t!!!
But do NOT let someone else’s expectations, opinions or pressure determine what is right for you!!
If it feels good for you, do that!!!
You are never going to please other people so focus on pleasing yourself!
Have sex; hmmm but don’t you think your devaluing yourself? Do you feel like this is a good example to set for your children?
Don’t have sex, it’s not fair to hold out, your being a prude, lower your expectations, don’t do this for too long or you will scare people away…..
Stay with them, don’t stay with them…
Seriously???! Can’t we just go with fuck off?! Do what’s right for you!
Just to clarify this is all written with absolute love & passion for people being true to themselves wholeheartedly, & not with any actual aggression..
But who cares what you do?! It’s how you feel about yourself & how you align with your own values that’s important.
Do what you want!!
What you Desire!!
Do what’s good for you!
What’s right for you!
What feels good for you in every instance & DO NOT allow anyone or anything to make you feel like what is right for you is not okay…
Do NOT allow someone else’s judgement, opinions, pressures or expectations to allow you to go against what is right for you!
Do what lights you up!
Do what turns your on!
Stay true to your values!!
Your desires!
You will never live up to someone else’s expectations it doesn’t matter what you do, so make sure you wake up everyday & live for YOU.
The way that feels good for you, the way that is true for you! The way that lights you on fire in every moment!
Do what’s right for you in every instance!
Do what feels good for you!!
Fuck everyone else?!
Also just note; if you are ever in an instance where someone is ‘encouraging’ you to go against what you know deep down is right for you, that feels good for you, that is not the person you want to let in your head, that is not the person you want to give your control to, that is not the person you want to let down your values for …. They are not your person & your best interests are not the end goal here… Do not allow yourself to be pressured, do not give their judgement any validation, do not give in to what is true to you, and do not settle for what you do not deserve!
You are worthy of what you desire, because that’s what’s right for you, that’s what feels good for you.. Not someone else & their opinions which a generally more of a self reflection of moments they have not kept true to themselves..
What is right for you, is going to fit with some people…. It’s not with others…. & that is okay!
With love
<3 Jenaya
